What does it look like to join our family?
New patient visits include a comprehensive review of your medical history and current concerns, relevant physical exams, and treatment recommendations that are individualized to your unique needs.
Follow-up visits include a review of treatment progress, including lab or imaging results, and adjustments of interventions, if indicated. New conditions may also be discussed if they arise.

☛ Well-child exams providing an assessment of your child's growth and development as well as addressing any questions and concerns that you may have as a parent or caregiver, including unbiased vaccine education
☛ Eczema/allergies/food intolerance
☛ Acute illness (colds, flu, digestive, etc)
☛ Adolescent health
☛ Mental health & neurodiversity

☛ Hormone, neurotransmitter, & detox pathway testing
☛ Assessing for nutritional deficiencies or other underlying medical conditions
☛ Treatment options include nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, physical activity, medications, and more.

☛ Following WPATH guidelines, prescribing and monitoring of medications and associated labs for gender affirmation care.
☛ Coordination of care with your mental health provider
☛ Connection with other community resources for additional support
☛ Coordinating referrals for gender affirmation surgery

☛ Annual pelvic exams, including PAP/HPV testing if needed
☛ Contraception counseling
☛ Fertility & pre-conception care including optimization of egg and sperm quality with nutrient support, education around recognizing signs of fertility, and connection with additional community resources.
☛ Acute illness and mental health management during pregnancy
☛ Breastfeeding support in primary care (not lactation consulting)
☛ Postpartum complaints